Student Instrument Loans

The Bate Collection celebrates the history and development of musical instruments in a global context, from the medieval period until the present day. The Collection is made available for study, research and judicious use by scholars, students, makers, and players, so as to enhance and increase the knowledge of the history of music as well as the enjoyment of historic performance for all. The Bate Collection is a unique resource in the national and international landscape. Music students in our Faculty can benefit from visiting the Collection, studying the archival material related to these instruments, and playing the instruments themselves.
Please, always enquire about borrowing an instrument before coming to the Bate Collection, as instruments need to be prepared in advance for the loan.

Please Note:

The Bate Collection will be moving to The Schwarzman Centre, a new Humanities home with state-of-the-art academic, exhibition and performance spaces. While this is exciting, it will imply a temporary disruption of the loan provision, as instruments will have to be checked, cared for, packed and moved outside the current premises, together with the rich Bate Collection archival documents and books. For this reason in 2025 all instrument loans from the Bate Collection will be unavailable.  

Please, be patient while we work on this process. We appreciate your understanding as we work to ensure the long-term care and accessibility of our collections. We look forward to welcoming you to the Shwartzman Centre once the relocation and new facilities are complete. 


Student Instrument Loans - Procedure


1. Please, email to enquire about availability, and set up a collection date and time to pick up the instrument. 

(In preliminary discussions the following points are established: a. Reason for loan;  b. Duration of loan; c. Possibility of loan: some instruments are not available to loan, some may be fragile or need care)

2. Download the Instrument Loan Form , complete the form and bring it to your appointment.

3. Provide a Letter from a Senior Referee/ Senior Member of the Faculty or College, and send it to  or bring it to your appointment.

4. Please pay the flat fee deposit of £100 as per museum regulations via the following link: Music Faculty - Bate Collection 

The deposit will be returned at the end of the academic year, given the instrument is returned without damage. Upon return of the instrument, the condition of the instrument is examined. If there is evidence of negligent handling or damage due to carelessness or accident the borrower will be interviewed as to circumstances of the damage. If it is evident that any damage is due to gross carelessness the deposit will not be returned and the borrower will be reported to the Faculty and College for disciplinary action. 

5. Please bring the Instrument Loan Form and the Letter of Support from a Senior Referee/Tutor and please do sent them to before your appointment (at the latest one day in advance).

6. Attend your appointment, otherwise you will not be able to borrow your instrument.

7. Take care of the instrument that has been given to you: if you do take care of it, you will allow also other people after you to benefit from it. This is our music heritage and we have a duty to pass it on to the next generation, and beyond!

8. Enjoy playing the instrument!

9. Please, do remember to bring the instrument back on your due date. Failure to do so will result in other people not being able to borrow it and potential disciplinary action.

Please note:

- Orchestra ‘fixers’, concert organisers, and tutors cannot stand as intermediaries or signatories for instrument borrowers. 

Our Range of Musical Instruments


1. Instruments provided by the Faculty of Music available for orchestral use

These instruments are in great demand and are loaned on a first come, first served basis.

2. Modern Copies

Replicas of historic instruments are sometimes available for loan (e.g. viols, crumhorns, cornetts, natural trumpet.)

3. Historic Instruments

According to the suitability of the instrument and the player, historic instruments may sometimes be borrowed from the collection.

4. In-house Historic Instruments

Instruments which may not be borrowed but may be played when supervised in the Bate premises, e.g. keyboard instruments.

5. Javanese Gamelan

Students wishing to play Javanese Gamelan instruments can join the weekly sessions run by the Oxford Gamelan Society on Wednesday evenings. Enthusiasm and concentration are required rather than any previous musical experience or training.

Students wishing to book gamelan workshops, please contact


Do check the list of current instruments on loan which will be updated regularly:


N.B. For all of the above, the following is always required:

 1. A letter of reference is required in advance from a Senior Tutor/Supervisor (Member of the Faculty/College). Please bring this to your appointment.
2. Instrument Loan Form (please download it HERE)