JoJo Blyth Discusses New Song and ‘Digital Bate’ Project on BBC Oxford


The Bate Collection was delighted to hear JoJo Blyth (@jojoblyth) speaking with Dave Gilyeat (@davegilyeat) on BBC Introducing (@bbcoxford) about her latest song, Thought Train. In the interview, JoJo shared insights into her creative process, discussed the track she has released, and explored her work in biomedical engineering.

JoJo also took the opportunity to highlight her involvement in the Digital Bate project—a groundbreaking initiative at the Bate Collection led by Dr Emanuela Vai and Professor David De Roure. Digital Bate is focused on creating 3D digital models and immersive audio samples of selected instruments from the Bate Collection's world-class collection.

The project aims to bridge the gap between historical musical traditions and modern technology, which will enable researchers, musicians, and the public to experience these instruments in entirely new ways.

This innovative project is a collaborative effort between the Bate Collection, TORCH's Humanities Cultural Programme, Oxford’s GLAM (Gardens, Libraries, and Museums), and the SRF-Funded Digital Scholarship initiatives. It serves as a platform for research, innovation, and public engagement, showcasing the incredible potential of digital technology in the arts and humanities.

To hear the full interview, follow the link below: